Descendants of Francis Cooke
Generation 4
7. SARAH4 REED (ESTHER3 TOMSON, MARY2 COOKE, FRANCIS1) daughter of ESTHER TOMSON and WILLIAM REED, was born 21 Mar 1693/94 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA, and died 17 May 1750 in Dutchess Co., NY. She married HEZEKIAH KING 14 May 1712 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA; he was born Abt. 1690 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA, and died 18 Oct 1740 in Armenia, Dutchess, NY.
Notes for SARAH REED:
The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847-2002, Vol. 4, Publication 1850
Early Records of Weymouth (pg 171)
Sarah, daughter of William and Esther Reed, born 21 Mar 1694
Source: Genealogical Records: Pilgrim Genealogies and Histories, 1600s-1900s
Mayflower Planters, Cape Code Series Vol. I, Francis Cooke, Page 159
Gen 3. Esther Thompson, m. William Reed.
Gen 4. Sarah Reed, m. Hezekiah King.
Gen 5. Capt. Hezekiah King, m. Abigail Adams.
Gen 6. Elijah King, m. Mary Baker ...
Note: The above line may be found in the D.A.R. Lineage Book, Vol. 117 (1915), p. 237, No. 116,759, and in the Mayflower Descendants Index, 1932, Vol. 1, p. 442, No. 20595; also, Dau. Am. Colonists Lin. Bk., Vol 3., pg 15, No. 2047.
NEGHS: Early Connecticut Probate Records
Volume 3, Page 299
Page 293.
Will of Deacon Hezekiah King
King, Deacon Hezekiah, of Dutchess County, New York, and estate in Sharon, Conn., £703-03-08. Inventory taken 19 December, 1740, by Jabez Cripen and James Smith, appointed and chosen by Samuel King, son of sd. deceased and executor. Estate in Tolland, Bolton, and at Hockanum, £231-17-06. Taken 19 November, 1740, by Nathaniel Allis
and Benjamin Talcott, being appointed and chosen by Samuel King, son of sd. deceased, male executor of his last will. Will dated 8 October, 1740.
I, Hezekiah King, of Dutchess County, in the Province of New York: I will that my wife Sarah, with my son Samuel, with the help and assistance of Capt. Jonathan Dunham of Sharon, shall be executors. I give to my wife Sarah all my household goods, a yoke of oxen and three cows forever; also the improvement of my land in Bolton. To my eldest son Hezekiah I have already given by deed of gift. I give to my son Samuel the half of a six schore acre lott in Sharon, which is my home lot, to take his choice in' it, the other half my executors to sell for the payment of £4 to my eldest daughter Sarah, to Esther £13, to Mary £20, and to Bathsheba £20, these sums to be the remaining portions of my estate to each of sd. daughters added to what they have already received. The remainder of the money sd. land shall be sold for to be for the payment of my debts. I give to my two youngest sons, William and John, my land in Bolton after their mother's decease, they to pay to their young est sisters, Mary and Alice, £20 apiece. All notes of hand due to me I order my executors to make use of for the payment of my debts. And as to the place I now live upon, I give my wife the improvement of it so long as she is pleased to live upon it, and my interest shall hold good. If she move, then my interest to Samuel. My right of land in Sharon not already laid out I order my executors to dispose of for the payment of my obligations to the Country. I give all the overplus to my wife and my son Samuel, only I oblige them to reward Capt. Dunham for his service and help.
Witness: Samuel Chapman, HEZEKIAH KING, LS.
Joseph Parke, Alexander Spencer.
Court Record, Page 102-1 December, 1741: Will of Hezekiah
King, of Dutchess County, New York, late of Bolton and Hartford, proven.
The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847-2002
Year 1867, Vol 21, Page 227
Early Marriages in Bridgewater
Hezekiah King and Sarah Read, May 14, 1712
NEGHS: Vital Records of Bolton, Connecticut, to 1854
1715 [217] Hezekiah King Son of Hezekiah King & Sarah his wife was borne April 4th AD 1715
1719 Samuel King Son of Hezekiah King and Sarah his wife was borne may 24: 1719
1721 Esther King Daughter of Hezekiah King & Sarah his wife was borne may 23rd AD 1721
1723 Mary King Daughter of Hezekiah King and Sarah his wife was borne April 5 AD 1723
1725 Marcy King Daughter of Hezekiah King & Sarah his wife was borne April 29 AD 1725
1726 Barshaba King Daughter of Hezekiah King & Sarah his wife was borne September 5th AD: 1726
1727 William King Son of Hezekiah King & Sarah his wife was borne november 28 AD 1727
1730 John King Son of Hezekiah King & Sarah his wife was borne September the 11th AD 1730
1734 Alce King Daughter of Hezekiah King & Sarah his wife was borne ffebr 18th AD 1734/5
1732 Marcy King Daughter of Hezekiah King and Sarah his wife was borne September 12th AD 1732
Children of SARAH REED and HEZEKIAH KING are:
9. i. HEZEKIAH5 KING, b. 04 Apr 1715, Mansfield, Tolland, CT; d. 11 Sep 1777, Bolton, Tolland, CT.
ii. SARAH KING, b. 05 May 1717, Tolland, CT; d. 17 May 1750, Norway, Herkimer, NY; m. CHARLES KING, 05 Sep 1739, Bolton, Tolland, CT; b. 03 Jan 1715/16, North Hampton, Hampshire, MA; d. 07 Apr 1790, Vernon, CT.
iii. SAMUEL KING, b. 24 May 1719, Mansfield, Tolland, CT; d. 17 May 1784, Amenia, Dutchess Co., NY.
iv. ESTHER KING, b. 23 May 1721, Tolland, CT; m. DANIEL PORTER, JR., 05 Dec 1739, Coventry, Tolland, CT; b. Abt. 1717, Bolton, Tolland, CT.
v. MARY KING, b. 05 Apr 1723, Tolland Co., CT; d. 10 Dec 1805, Coventry, Tolland Co., CT; m. PAUL SMITH, 02 Oct 1746; b. Abt. 1726, East Lyme, New London, CT; d. Abt. 1804.
vi. MARCY KING, b. 29 Apr 1725, Bolton, Tolland, CT; d. 29 Jun 1725, Bolton, Tolland, CT.
vii. BATHSHEBA KING, b. 05 Sep 1726, Bolton, Tolland, CT; m. JOSUHA MEAD; b. Abt. 1727.
viii. WILLIAM KING, b. 28 Nov 1727, Tolland, CT; d. Abt. 1815.
JOHN KING, b. 11 Sep 1730, Bolton, Tolland, CT; d. 01 May 1808, Mt. Washington, Berkshire Co., MA; m. ELIZABETH FENNER, 15 Dec 1752, Syabrook, CT; b. Abt. 1735, Saybrook, Middlesex, CT; d. 29 Oct 1808, Mt. Washington, Berkshire Co., MA.
Notes for JOHN KING:
New England Families Genealogical and Memorial: Volume IV
Author: William Richard Cutter, Originally published New York, 1913; Reprinted for Clearfield Company, Inc. by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore, Maryland, 1996, 1997, Page 1599
Excerpt: ... John King, born 1730, a farmer in Egremont, Massachusetts, and a revolutionary soldier. The continental payrolls on file in the state house in Boston show that John King was in service from July, 1776, to August, 1777, and from June to July, 1780, in Colonel Hopkins' regiment. He married Elizabeth, born 1727, died 1808, daughter of John Fenner, of Saybrook, Connecticut. John King was the son of Hezekiah King, born 1690, died 1740, of Weymouth, Massachusetts, and Sarah, born 1694, died 1750, daughter of William Read, whose wife was Esther Thompson ...
MARCY KING, b. 12 Sep 1732, Bolton, Tolland, CT; d. 28 Aug 1812, Amenia, Dutchess Co., NY; m. JOB MEAD, 13 Jan 1764, Amenia, Dutchess Co., NY; b. 19 Dec 1734, Greenwich, fairfield, CT; d. 23 Apr 1818, Amenia, Dutchess Co., NY.
ALICE KING, b. 18 Feb 1733/34, Bolton, Tolland, CT; m. ISAAC MEAD, Abt. 1754, Bolton, Tolland, CT; b. Abt. 1729, Bolton, Tolland, CT.