de la Noye
Generation No. 1
1. PHILIPPE1 DELANO was born 07 Dec 1602 in Leiden, Holland, and died 22 Aug 1681 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA. He is the son of Jan Lano and Marie le Mahieu. He married (1) HESTER DEWSBERY 19 Dec 1634 in Duxbury, MA. She was born Abt. 1613 and died abt. 1657. He married (2) MARY PONTUS GLASS 17 Jan 1652/53 in Duxbury, MA She is daughter of WILLIAM PONTUS and widow of JAMES GLASS.. She was born Abt. 1625 in Leiden, Holland, and died 02 Feb 1689/90.
Philippe de la Noye landed at Plymouth November 9, 1621; he sailed on the ship Fortune,
arriving at Plymouth only a few weeks after the first Thanksgiving.
Philippe's *uncle, Francis Cooke, sailed a year earlier on the Mayflower.
These two ships carried the first immigrants of the Plymouth colony.
In Leiden, on July 4, 1603, as Franchoys Couck, he married Hester le Mahieu, the daughter of Walloon refugees and early Calvinists. The Mahieus, originally from Lille, had resided in Canterbury since the 1570s before moving to Leiden in 1590. Hester le Mahieu's sister was Marie le Mahieu, wife of Jan Lano, another Walloon refugee in Canterbury and then Leiden, whose son, *Philippe de Lannoy migrated on the Fortune to join his uncle Francis Cooke and his cousin Robert at Plymouth colony in 1621, having been left behind with twenty others when the Mayflower's sailing mate, the Speedwell, foundered and returned to port in England leaving the Mayflower to sail alone. Philippe is the progenitor of the branch of the Delano family from which Franklin Delano Roosevelt descends.
Source: Family History of Southern New York, Vol. III; pages #1059, #1060
Title: Southern New York Family Histories
Philip Delano was born in Leyden, Holland, 1602, and baptized there in 1603. The Delano family went to Leyden to escape persecution in France where the Catholic party was in power and the Inquisition active. They were French Protestants, or Huguenots ...
Philip Delano came to America on the ship "Fortune" in 1621, then aged nineteen years. In 1624 he had an acre of land granted him at Plymouth, but gave it up as he settled in Duxbury ...
Philip Delano was admitted a freeman, January 1, 1632-33. His farm at Duxbury, granted October 2, 1637, was north and northwest of Alden's on the north side of Stony or Mill brook, below the site of the late tack factory ...
He was often employed in the early days as surveyor of lands and frequently served on the grand jury, and was a volunteer in the Pequot war, June 7, 1637. He died at Bridgewater, Massachusetts, about 1681. aged seventy-nine years ... his estate was settled according to the records in the registry of deeds, July 5, 1682 ...
He married (first) at Duxbury, December 19, 1634, Hester Dewsbery, of Duxbury. He married (second) at Duxbury, 1657, Mary (Pontus) Glass, widow of James Glass, daughter of William Pontus.
Baptism: 07 Dec 1603, Walloon Church, Leiden, Netherlands
Source: Family History of Southern New York, Vol. III; page #1060
Title: Southern New York Family Histories
The only child of Philippe and Mary was; Samuel, born 1659, married Elizabeth Standish.
MARY2 DELANO, b. Abt. 1635; m. JONATHAN DUNHAM, 29 Nov 1655.
ESTHER DELANO, b. 06 Mar 1637/38, Duxbury, Plymouth, MA; d. 12 Sep 1733
Source: Descendants of Philippe De La Noye and Hester Dewsbury and Mary Pontus
Family Forest Ledership Edition by Bruce H. Harrison; page #5
"Mistakenly thought to be the wife of Samuel Sampson & John Soule."
iii. PHILIP DELANO, JR., b. Abt. 1640, Duxbury, MA; m. ELIZABETH CLARK.
2. iv. THOMAS (DOCTOR) DELANO, b. 21 Mar 1641/42, Duxbury, Plymouth, MA; d. 13 Apr 1723, Duxbury, Plymouth, MA.
v. JANE DELANO, b. Bet. 1642 - 1647.
3. vi. JOHN DELANO, b. Abt. 1644, Duxbury, MA; d. Bet. 1697 - 1759.
4. vii. JONATHAN DELANO, b. Abt. 1647, Duxbury, Plymouth Co., Mass; d. 23 Dec 1720, Dartmouth, Bristol, Mass..
viii. REBECCA DELANO, b. Abt. 1651; d. 06 Apr 1709; m. JOHN CHURCHILL, 28 Dec 1686, Plymouth, Mass.; b. Abt. 1657; d. 13 Jun 1723, Plymouth, MA.
5. ix. SAMUEL2 DELANO, b. Abt. 1659, Duxbury, MA; d. Abt. 1728, Duxbury, MA.
Note: Our ancestor, Priscilla [Delano] Malbone (1791) is a 3rd great-granddaughter of Philippe and Hester [Dewsbery] Delano. The Delano Brothers, John and Jonathan, (above mentioned sons' of Philip and Hester Delano) are; respectively, the maternal and paternal 2nd great-grandfathers' of our Delano Ancestor, Priscilla Malbone. (Maybe?)